Riot's ANSIfier
Convert images to ANSI art to include in C and C++ programs
This tool takes an image from the internet, converts it to 256 colour unicode ANSI art, and writes
a definition of the binary data to a header file for you to download and include in your C and C++
projects. With this you can hard-code colour logos and images for display in your console
programs, for dramatic splash screens, text-based menus and so on.
To use, simply #include "ansified.h" in the source file where you need to use it.
The header file includes an unsigned char array containing the binary data, which you can dump
straight to the terminal to display the ANSI image, and an unsigned int describing the length
of the binary blob in bytes.
In C++, to use it you simply need to std::cout << ansi_arrayname << std::endl;